TMS Marine Contractors ‘Extreme Weather’ services cover three areas:

Flood Defences

Flood Defences

The greater propensity for ‘extreme weather’ in recent years, calls for new and upgraded defences against flood water, in both coastal and inland locations. TMS constructs sea walls, reinforces river banks, installs retaining piles and provides scour protection. Our services also include dredging and beach replenishment following extreme weather erosion. However, prior to any design and construction, TMS can provide full survey services using their team of commercially coded divers and survey vessel.

Flood Relief

Emergency call-outs and the rapid mobilisation of plant and skilled operators, has become a feature of Britain’s extreme weather conditions in recent years. TMS personnel are trained in rapid response deployment of assets in emergency situations.

Infrastructure Repairs

Eroded Railway Line

Clear-up operations inevitably require fast repair services, to ensure commercial and civilian disruption is minimised. TMS skilled personnel and specialist plant offer marine and civil engineering support services to ensure both public and commercial sector infrastructure is able to rapidly resume normal operations.

Emergency Repairs & Salvage & Flood Defence

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Exmouth Sea Wall Emergency Repairs

For East Devon Council

October 2023

During a storm in October 2023, a 90m long section of the masonry sea wall on Exmouth sea front failed structurally. Fortunately, this failure was not catastrophic and was prevented from
being so by the emergency repairs that TMS implemented immediately after the storm had abated. Historically, there have been sand dunes in front of the sea wall providing it with
additional protection, but over time metres of sand have been lost making the wall vulnerable.

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Rendez Vous Salvage, Torquay Harbour

For Richard Primrose Insurers


On Saturday 28th May 2022, the luxury Princess 85 yacht ‘Rendez Vous’ was sunk in Torquay harbour as a result of a fire of
unknown cause.
The yacht was on her pontoon berth to the southwest of Torquay Marine when the fire started. As the fire established
and spread through the vessel superstructure, she broke free from her pontoon moorings and drifted west-northwest to
lay alongside the inner face of the outer harbour breakwater, Princess Pier.

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