Toft Pier Redevelopment

For Shetland Isles Council

18 Months

Working on behalf of Shetland Islands Council, TMS were appointed as Principal Contractor for the construction of a new pier in Toft
at the north end of Shetland Mainland. The work was completed over an 18-month period with a break during the winter ‘windy’
season and a further break forced by the recent COVID-19 construction shut-down. TMS worked closely with Shetland Island Council
to develop ‘COVID Safe’ practices to allow safe and timely return to the island for continuation of the works during the on-going
pandemic. The new pier was required to replace a redundant, much smaller jetty that had once served as the inter-island ferry berth.
Following relocation of the ferry to a new “roll on/roll off” berth, the original jetty had fallen into disrepair and TMS were therefore
Tappointed to construct a new pier to be used for the operation of the islands’ fish-farming vessels.

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