Trinity Pier Masonry Quay Wall Repair

For Homes & Communities Agency

May 2017

In 2015, a 12m long section of Plymouth’s historic Millbay Marina masonry quay wall collapsed into the marina, leading to washout and undermining of the quayside above it. Working for the Homes and Communities Agency, TMS were engaged for this 14 week project to repair the quay wall and replace pontoon berths that were also damaged during the collapse.

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Teignmouth Fish Quay

For Interserve

8 weeks

TMS were engaged by Interserve to commence works in November 15 to demolish the existing timber fish quay and construct a replacement steel sheet piled marine structure on the popular Back Beach area of Teignmouth, Devon. The location of the site meant that the works took place in very close proximity to residential properties and beach users. Construction methods, working hours and selection of plant was therefore of critical importance so as not to adversely disturb neighbours to the site and affect the peaceful enjoyment of the beach by the local community and tourists

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Jennycliff: Cliff Stabilisation and Footpath Reinstatement

For Plymouth City Council

12 weeks

Jennycliff is located near Plymouth at the coastal edge of the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). It is an important area for conservation and has been designated as a Plymouth Sound, Shores and Cliffs SSSI. A steep, 55-stepped footpath leads down the cliff face to a shingle, sand and rocky foreshore – which is protected as part of the Plymouth Sound & Estuaries Special Area of Conservation. Storm damage and weathering had led to both deterioration of the cliff face and failure of the path.

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West Wharf Slab Replacement, Millbay Dock

For Associated British Ports Ltd

18 weeks

The existing suspended jetty at West Wharf is in part over 100 years old and exhibiting significant deterioration of the structural slab and supporting concrete structure. The underside of the suspended slab and secondary beams have suffered from fairly significant spalling of the concrete, allowing the lower, corroded reinforcement to be exposed to the marine environment. West Wharf is an operational berth, used principally by Brittany Ferries for their Plymouth-Continental ro-ro ferry services. The scheme involved the replacement of the existing 131m long by 18m wide upper concrete jetty slab with a new reinforced concrete slab spanning to the primary supports of the underlying reinforced concrete structure

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Fort Picklecombe Breakwater Repair

For Fort Picklecombe Management Co

2.5 weeks

Fort Picklecombe, situated at the entrance to Plymouth Sound, was originally built in the 1860s as a fortification to protect the Plymouth Naval Base from enemy invasion. The breakwater situated in front of this historic Fort, (which was converted during the 1970s into residences) was damaged during the 2014 storms and had deteriorated further, necessitating urgent repair.

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Security Walls

For M.O.D. Devonport Plymouth

December 2012

The project required ground stabilisation work, prior to foundations and the installation of Reno and Gabian mattresses on the exterior side of the walls. Due to the height requirement, scaffolding extended to 6 metres and a concrete pump was used to get the pour exactly in position.

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Oxen Cove Jetty

For Torbay Development Agency

5 months

TMS were contracted, in collaboration with Red 7 Marine, by Torbay Development Agency to install a new Shellfish Landing Jetty at Oxen Cove, Brixham in 2019. Whilst Brixham is currently the most important fishing port in England and Wales when measuring value of catch landed, the Shellfish Jetty was commissioned to meet growing demand from the expanding shelfish industry locally.

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