TMS is able to offer a variety of excavators on floating pontoon barges, including suction dredgers, back hoe and grab dredgers. This choice of equipment allows us the flexibility to undertake dredging and bed levelling projects in a variety of coastal and river locations as well as reservoirs.

From small scale pontoon clearings, right up to large marina and harbour-based dredging projects, the combination of TMS vessels, plant and expertise offers you manoeuvrability and dredge speed to suit your works project.

Our venturi dredge pump system allows us to move mud and silts to deeper water giving a simple and environmentally-friendly solution.

Dredging, Bed Levelling & Scour Protection

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Matchams Riverbank Stabilisation

For Bournemouth Water


The raw water intake at Matchams is located on a fast flowing bend on the River Avon. The building was constructed C.1955 and provides a reliable source of raw water to the WTW in Bournemouth. Water depths are typically 3-5m with a high river flow rate, circa 3 knots, even when not in spate. Delivery requirements were to stabilise the existing riverbank and arresting the damaging scour whilst providing the least amount of environmental impact.

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Scour Protection, Totnes

For Sisk Rail

5 Weeks

Working on behalf of Sisk Rail, TMS were contracted to provide scour protection works
around the piers of a railway bridge on the River Dart in Totnes, Devon. The works were to
install rock roll bags to the north riverbank and to the footpath on the south side. TMS
completed masonry repairs to the masonry bridge and then rock armour was placed to the
north side of the river as a toe for the rock rolls as extra protection.
The scope of the project included:

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